Installation Service

A Variety of Installation Options

American Mine Doors can offer a variety of different options to support your mine door installation projects.

Supporting Installation Documentation comes with each Mine Door order

AMD provides all drawings and a detailed installation manual with step by step instructions.

On-line Technical Install Support

Our phone or online technical support is available for consultation. 

  • Final Adjustments to entire unit

Our in-house technical installation team is always available to guide you through any challenges you are facing underground.

Actuation adjustments

Generally, the mine will assign a qualified mine engineer to assess the install site.

Full-service mine solutions, contract installation and services when needed.

AMD has a variety of different solutions for your mine solution installation support. We offer anywhere from full turn key support with our workers or supervisory support with your mine workers.

On-Site Consultation

An AMD trained representative can be on-site at your mine to assist with: training of mine personnel on door installation and operation, on-site consultation on the installation of the Mine Door, Electrical Controls, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, PLC Control system and more, or support your start-up assistance and maintenance with your mine workers.

Contract Installation Team

Very often, mines require additional labor for mining services, equipment installations, mine door installations and more. Together we solve your overall manpower needs for installing underground mine doors.

From concept to completion, we employ technical expertise that is unmatched. Our employees are team oriented and able to adapt to a variety of underground environments and challenges.