Meets ATF’s Explosive Magazine Construction Requirements,
18 U.S.C , 27 CFR, Part 555, Subpart K-Storage.
Type 1 Explosives Magazine Security Door & Type 2 Outdoor Magazine Security Door
Need Custom Explosives Magazine Security Doors for your mine? AMD has the solution for you. AMD has designed and built these specialty doors that are required to meet the ATF’s Explosive Magazine Construction Requirements, 18 U.S.C, 27 CFR, Part 555, Subpart K-Storage.
Need Custom Explosives Magazine Security Doors?
- AMD has designed and manufactured manual and automatic Explosive Magazine Doors that meet “TYPE 1
Magazines” as specified by the ATF. The Type 1 Magazine is the most stringent of the 5 different types of “Explosive Magazine Doors” designated by the ATF.
Specifications of a “Type 1 Explosives Magazine Security door”:
- ¼” A36 steel plate covers door wings.
- All exterior surfaces facing to the inside of the magazine are fully covered with 2 ½” thick red oak planks.
- Robust hinge design to handle the added weight of the wings.
- 2 mortise locks per door (each with its own key).
- Fire retardant paint
- Incorporated ventilation frame (TYPE 1 ONLY).
- Can be supplied as an “power actuated” door or manual operation.
Please call or email AMD for additional information about your Explosive Magazine Security Door needs